Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall to be built in Citizens' Park! Construction aimed to start in 2025 and open in 2027.


Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall, full-scale construction to begin... Target groundbreaking in 2025 and opening in 2027


Busan City has announced that it has officially begun design work for the establishment of the Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall. This memorial hall is expected to be a new concept that well embodies the historical significance and symbolism of the Busan independence movement.

Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall, a communication space connecting the past and future


The Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall (hereafter referred to as the memorial hall) will be built on the site of the Citizens' Love House in Busan Citizen Park. This memorial hall will have a total area of 4,541㎡ and a building area of 2,345㎡, constructed over 2 floors above ground. The memorial hall is planned to be utilized as a space where citizens can directly experience and receive education about the historical significance of the independence movement.

Currently, the basic architectural design service for the memorial hall is in progress, and from February, the basic exhibition design service will also be conducted simultaneously. Last December, the final design plan was selected through a contest, and it is planned to receive review from the Public Architecture Review Committee in the second half of this year.

For details about the selection of the coastal architecture as the final design proposal for the Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall, please refer to the post below. The establishment of the memorial hall is expected to play a significant role in informing Busan citizens about the importance of the independence movement.

Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall, coastal architecture design proposal selected! Groundbreaking expected in 2025 and completion in 2026 - news on the remodeling of 'Citizens' Love House' in Busan Citizen Park

Differentiated exhibition content reflecting the historical significance of the independence movement


The Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall plans to create exhibition content based on various materials and artifacts related to Busan's independence movement history. This exhibition is designed not simply as a listing of historical events, but rather through a storytelling approach centered around local history and prominent figures.

In addition, both permanent and special exhibitions will be conducted to ensure that visitors can experience new exhibitions and educational experiences each time they visit. The memorial hall will be constructed as an open space where citizens can continuously visit, inheriting the spirit of the independence movement. Through these efforts, the Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall is expected to reinforce the historical values of the local community and fulfill an educational role.

Incorporating expert opinions and gathering citizen feedback


On February 20, a third advisory meeting with 19 experts in the fields of architecture, history, and exhibition was held. During this meeting, various opinions were gathered, and the experts emphasized that the memorial hall should be designed as a family-friendly space. They also suggested the need for a casual space where all generations can communicate and the introduction of various exhibition techniques.

Busan City will begin collecting materials related to the independence movement from independence patriots, their families, and citizens starting in March. This material is planned to be utilized for exhibitions, research, and educational content of the memorial hall. These efforts will contribute to the memorial hall's development as a more meaningful space.

Timeline for the establishment of the Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall

In December 2024, the basic architectural design will be completed. Following that, the basic exhibition design will be completed in February 2025, and a third advisory meeting will also be held.

In the second half of 2025, the architectural execution design will be completed and construction will begin. Finally, the opening is scheduled for the first half of 2027.

Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall is a space for communication and respect

Mayor Park Hyung-Jun stated, "It is very meaningful to establish the Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall at a significant time marking the 80th anniversary of liberation." He further emphasized, "The Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall will not just be a simple memorial hall but a space where past, present, and future generations can communicate, and a cultural center that honors the spirit of the independence movement."

Busan City revealed plans to incorporate the opinions of experts and citizens to complete the Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall as a differentiated independence movement memorial space. Through this, citizens are expected to feel the importance of the independence movement and gain a deeper understanding of the value of love for their country.

#Busan Independence Movement Memorial Hall, #Busan Citizen Park, #Independence Movement Memorial Hall, #Busan History, #Independence Movement Relics, #Busan Independence Movement History, #History Memorial Hall, #Busan Heritage, #Busan Tourism, #Independence Patriots, #Independence Movement Materials, #Busan City Policy, #Historical Education, #Busan Architecture, #Busan Exhibition, #Busan Citizens, #Independence Activists, #Historical Experience, #Memorial Hall Opening, #Mayor Park Hyung-Jun, #80th Anniversary of Liberation, #Busan Tourist Attractions, #Busan History Museum, #Cultural Heritage Preservation, #Exhibition Planning, #Storytelling Exhibition, #History Museum, #Community Development, #Independence Movement Memorial Project

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