Current Status of Busan City's Birth and Childcare Support Policies: 2024 Birth Rate Recovery and Future Prospects


2024 Busan total fertility rate 0.68, number of births rebounds for the first time in 9 years! Guide to major childcare support policies


Busan has shown positive changes in the total fertility rate and the number of births for the first time in 9 years.

The total fertility rate in Busan for 2024 is recorded at 0.68, with the number of births at 13,063, an increase of 0.02 and 197 (1.5%) respectively compared to the previous year.

This growth is analyzed as the effect of various childbirth and childcare support policies promoted by Busan.

Background of the fertility rate rebound and Busan's policy achievements

Busan has implemented various policies to create a "city that is good to give birth and raise children." As a result, it was selected as "Korea's top city for child quality of life" last year, and received awards in the "SDG City Awards (Deulraknalak)," achieving significant results.


The Busan integrated spring project 'Cherishing Just Like You' aims to establish a comprehensive childcare support system from birth to elementary school graduation. Through this, the goal is to help children grow up in a safer and healthier environment.

In Busan, 105 children's complex cultural spaces ‘Deulraknalak’ have been created to provide spaces where both analog and digital content can be enjoyed within a 15-minute living zone. This will be an important opportunity to support children's diverse cultural experiences.

Additionally, support for newlyweds and multi-child families is being expanded. Through differentiated policies such as housing loans for newlyweds and the Lucky 7 House support, and providing 'Mama Call' taxi services for pregnant women, the aim is to enhance family stability.

New childbirth and childcare policies in Busan for 2024

This year, Busan will implement various policies to solve the low birthrate problem.

One of them is the Busan postpartum care expenses support, which provides up to 1 million won for each newborn.

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Support for necessary expenses for daycare centers will be expanded. In particular, the field trip expenses for children aged 2 will be additionally supported.

Additionally, through the 'Lifetime Together Youth Everyone (家)' project, public rental housing rent will be supported for life for newlyweds with two or more children.

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: 1 child 1 million won, 2 or more children 1.5 million won support

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Current status of Busan's major childbirth and childcare policies

Cost support


A variety of support policies have been established to minimize the burden of pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare.

First, through the fertility preservation support project, we support the freezing of eggs and assisted reproductive technology, along with comprehensive support for male and female infertility treatment costs.

Additionally, a call taxi service for pregnant women, 'Mama Call,' is operated, which can be used without a limit on the number of times within a monthly limit of 40,000 won. The childbirth support fund amounts to 2 million won for the first child and 4 million won for subsequent children.

Public transport fares for children are free, and preferential policies for multi-child families are in place, with discounts on public parking, urban rail fares, and water service fees.

Childcare and caring support


The Busan integrated spring project is being conducted under the slogan 'Cherishing Just Like You.' The main goal of this project is to install a comprehensive childcare support center in each district, expanding from 12 centers in 2024 to 15 centers by 2029.

Additionally, the Busan model of 365 open-time daycare centers will operate providing childcare services during evenings and weekends. Plans are in place to focus on caring for infants under 12 months through infant programs.

Lastly, we aim to expand national and public childcare facilities to achieve a utilization rate of 48% by 2024. Through these various plans, we aim to improve Busan's childcare environment.

Medical support


The Moonlight Children's Hospital currently operates 8 locations. Haeundae Baek Hospital provides 24-hour pediatric emergency care, and Yangsan Busan National University Hospital operates a pediatric emergency medical center.

Cultural support


The urban rail operates 'Pink Light' seating for pregnant women.

Moreover, designated parking areas have been set up for families with pregnant women and infants.

A multi-cultural complex space for children, 'Deulraknalak,' has been established and is in operation.

Support for youth and newlyweds


The 'Lifetime Together Youth Everyone (家)' project is a range of support programs for newlyweds. This project supports rent for public rental housing for life, providing housing loans and interest support for newlyweds with an annual income of less than 130 million won. Furthermore, support for monthly rental fees and security deposit interest for public rental housing through the Lucky 7 House for newlyweds will also be provided.

National total fertility rate and comparison


Last year, South Korea's total fertility rate was 0.75, an increase of 0.03 from 0.72 the previous year. The total number of births was 238,343, which is an increase of 8,315 from the previous year's 230,028.

Among the 17 cities and provinces, the fertility rates in 14 places, including Busan, Seoul, and Incheon, rose, while 3 places, including Gwangju and Gangwon, showed a decline.

With this rebound in the fertility rate, Busan plans to establish more proactive support policies and continue efforts to address the low birthrate issue.

#BusanChildbirthPolicy, #BusanChildcareSupport, #FertilityRateRebound, #BusanBirthIncrease, #ChildbirthSupportFund, #BusanIntegratedSpring, #Deulraknalak, #NewlywedSupport, #BusanChildcarePolicy, #BusanMultiChildSupport, #BusanChildrenComplexCulturalSpace, #PregnantWomenSupport, #BusanPostpartumCareFees, #BusanChildcareEnvironment, #BusanFreePublicTransport, #BusanElectricCarSubsidies, #BusanPublicWeddingVenue, #BusanChildbirthSupport, #BusanPediatricEmergencyMedical, #BusanChildCare, #BusanChildcareFacilities, #BusanInfertilitySupport, #BusanFamilyCareAllowance, #BusanYouthHousing, #BusanNewlyweds, #BusanInfantCare, #BusanChildcareWelfare, #BusanLifetimeHousing, #BusanChildbirthEncouragement, #BusanFamilyPolicy

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