Foreena Busan Deokcheon Phase 1: Notice of Prior Announcement for the Reconstruction Project of District 2-1, Deokcheon.


Forena Busan Deokcheon Phase 1 / Prior Notification of Deokcheon 2-1 District Redevelopment Project

- 817 Deokcheon-dong, Buk-gu, and 5 other lots


The 'Forena Busan Deokcheon Phase 1' apartment, located in Deokcheon-dong, Buk-gu, Busan, has achieved an important milestone in its redevelopment project by completing the prior notification on February 26, 2025.

This complex consists of a total of 6 buildings with 636 households ranging from 2 basement floors to 25 above-ground floors.

The construction company is Hanwha Construction, and it received usage approval in August 2022, starting to accommodate residents.

Additionally, it provides 1.11 parking spaces per household, considering the convenience of residents.


'Forena Busan Deokcheon Phase 1' is an ultra-traffic complex close to Sookdong Station on Busan Subway Line 3, boasting a convenient regional transportation network through Deokcheon Station and Gupo Station.

Nearby, there are various conveniences such as NC Outlet, Mega Mart, Hanaro Mart, and Bumun Hospital, making life convenient.

Furthermore, excellent educational facilities such as Deokseong Elementary School, Deokcheon Middle School, Deokcheon Girls' Middle School, and Nakdong High School are nearby, providing a superior educational environment.


With this prior notification, ownership has officially changed, allowing residents to secure stable housing rights. The prior notification signifies the final stage of the redevelopment project, indicating that various administrative procedures have been completed along with the ownership transfer.

This process allows residents to better protect their property rights, and the complex will have legal stability. This is expected to have a positive impact on real estate transactions such as sales or leases in the future. With a stable living environment established, future changes are highly anticipated.


Located nearby, 'Forena Busan Deokcheon Phase 2' is expected to complete its prior notification in November 2024 as part of the Deokcheon 2 District Redevelopment Project. The 'Forena Busan Deokcheon' series forms a brand town consisting of a total of 1,860 households, becoming a landmark in Buk-gu, Busan.

This complex is situated on flat land, making it rare, and it has excellent transportation networks and rich living infrastructure, attracting significant interest in the local real estate market. These factors are expected to positively influence its investment value in the future.

Forena Busan Deokcheon Phase 2: Notice of Prior Notification for Deokcheon 2 District Redevelopment Project

A redevelopment project is actively taking place in Buk-gu, Busan. This significantly contributes to local development and improves the residential environment, and the 'Forena Busan Deokcheon' complexes are at the core of these changes.

Notification No. 2025-1 of the Deokcheon 2-1 District Housing Redevelopment Association

Prior notification for the Deokcheon 2-1 District Redevelopment Project

1. According to Article 83 of the 「Urban and Residential Environment Maintenance Act」, we announce the transfer of ownership of the land and buildings related to the "Deokcheon 2-1 District Redevelopment Project" as per Notification No. 2022-112 of the Buk-gu, Busan Metropolitan City (2022.08.31.) which was approved for completion under Article 86 (1) and (2) of the same law.

2. Related documents are available at the office of the Deokcheon 2-1 District Housing Redevelopment Association (☎ 051-332-4353) for stakeholders.

February 26, 2025
Chairman of the Deokcheon 2-1 District Housing Redevelopment Association Yang Hyun-deok

- Notification Details -

1. Type and Name of Maintenance Project: Deokcheon 2-1 District Redevelopment Project

2. Location and Area of the Business District
1) Location: 817 Deokcheon-dong, Buk-gu, Busan and 5 other lots
- Center: Area of 357-12 Deokcheon-dong, Buk-gu, Busan
2) Maintenance Area: 24,789.5㎡
3) Prior Notification Area: 24,789.5㎡, Actual Land Area: 21,310.7㎡

3. Main Office and Name of the Implementer
1) Office: 84 Manduk-daero, Buk-gu, Busan, 5th floor (Deokcheon-dong, Seongam Building)
2) Name: Deokcheon 2-1 District Housing Redevelopment Association (Chairman: Yang Hyun-deok)

4. Date of Management and Disposal Plan Approval: February 2, 2018.

5. Date of Completion Approval: August 23, 2022.

6. Notification Date of Completion Approval and End of Construction: August 31, 2022.

7. Details of the Prior Notification

CategoryLocationTypeArea (㎡)Remarks
Total Area of Prior Notification24,789.5
LandCommon Housing817 Deokcheon-dong21,310.7
Maintenance InfrastructurePublic Office (Health Center)818 Deokcheon-dong671.7
Park819 Deokcheon-dongPark1,284.4
Road820 Deokcheon-dongRoad229.2
Road821 Deokcheon-dongRoad633.9
Road822 Deokcheon-dongRoad659.6

Architectural Facilities

CategoryCommon HousingNeighborhood Convenience FacilitiesTotal
Total Floor Area (㎡)86,348.39712,107.210088,455.6071
Number of Buildings628
Total StoriesB2~25 FloorsB1~1 Floor
Number of Units636 Units32 Units668

Number of rights holders designated for parcels or buildings

Target for SupplyTotalMember AllocationReserved LandExpropriated LandGeneral Sale
59-1 (Room 104-1805) Error Inclusion Unit1--1-

Classification of Authority
Other Authorities
Deokcheon 2-1 District Housing Redevelopment Association
Notification Number
No. 2025-1
Prior Notification of the Deokcheon 2-1 District Redevelopment Project
February 26, 2025

Forena Busan Deokcheon Phase 1 and the Deokcheon 2-1 District Redevelopment Project are receiving attention. Hanwha Construction's project in the Busan redevelopment market contributes to improving the residential environment, and demand for apartments in Buk-gu Busan and Sookdong Station is also increasing.

The apartment market in Deokcheon-dong and Busan is vibrant, and the new apartments and brand towns in Busan are receiving a lot of attention. In particular, Busan's flat apartments and ultra-traffic apartments are popular due to their excellent educational zones and living infrastructure.

Interest in investing in Busan real estate is rising, and information on Busan apartment prices, sales, and rentals is crucial for investors. The news of new apartments in Busan's redevelopment complexes is creating significant anticipation among many people.

Apartment complexes and communities in Busan are providing local residents with a better living environment, and these changes are expected to lead to positive developments in Busan's real estate market.

#ForenaBusanDeokcheonPhase1, #Redevelopment, #BukguBusan, #DeokcheonDong, #HanwhaConstruction, #MoveIn, #ParkingSpaces, #UltraTrafficLocation, #BusanSubwayLine3, #LivingConvenienceFacilities, #ExcellentEducationalZone, #PropertyRightsProtection, #RealEstateTransactions, #StableLivingEnvironment, #BusanRedevelopment, #BusanApartments, #BusanInvestment, #BusanNewApartments, #BusanApartmentPrices, #SalesInformation, #RentalInformation, #BusanCommunity, #LivingEnvironmentImprovement, #BusanRealEstate, #Deokcheon2District, #RedevelopmentProject, #InvestmentValue, #BusanBrandTown, #LocalDevelopment, #LivingInfrastructure, #BusanMetropolitanCity
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