Ulsan City, included in the preliminary feasibility study for the new construction projects of National Route 24 and National Route 14!


Ulsan City National Road 2 Routes, Included in Preliminary Feasibility Study Projects


Ulsan City announced that it has included the new construction projects of Unyang~Down (National Road No. 24) and Cheongnyang~Down (National Road No. 14) in the comprehensive preliminary feasibility study subjects of the ‘6th National Road and National Secondary Road Construction Plan (2026-2030)’ by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

In March 2023, Ulsan City applied for a preliminary feasibility study for these two new projects. These projects are expected to contribute to improving the local transportation network and revitalizing the economy.


Through continuous consultation with the central government and the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, the necessity of the projects and analytical data were actively explained, resulting in their inclusion as comprehensive preliminary feasibility study projects.

For more detailed information on Ulsan's major road projects and the construction of the Unyang~Down bypass road, please refer to the post below.

Check the status of Ulsan City's major road projects: Unyang~Down bypass road, construction of Ulsan Down 2 housing district road and installation of Hi-Pass IC

Overview of Preliminary Feasibility Study Projects

1. New Construction Project of Unyang~Down (National Road No. 24)


The road will extend 13.6 km, starting from Unyang-eup in Uljin-gun, passing through the Diktong interchange of National Road No. 24 and connecting to National Road No. 35, and continuing to Down 2 district.

This road is designed to be a 4-lane road, with various expected benefits. First, the chronic vehicle congestion occurring on National Road No. 24 is expected to be alleviated.

Second, the passage of vehicles carrying industrial cargo through the city center will decrease, significantly improving traffic safety. Finally, with the expansion of the east-west traffic network, the efficiency of logistics transport is also expected to increase.

2. New Construction Project of Cheongnyang~Down (National Road No. 14)


A 7.6 km 4-lane road will be constructed from Yullichagoji in Cheongnyang-eup, Uljin-gun to Down 2 district.

This road is expected to resolve traffic congestion at major urban intersections such as Sinbok intersection and facilitate smooth connections between Jung-gu and Nam-gu.

Additionally, through improvement of residential conditions and securing a bypass route in the city center, it is expected to contribute to balanced regional development.

Ulsan City's Response and Future Plans

Ulsan City stated, "Since the major road networks connecting east-west and north-south in Ulsan have been included as subjects for preliminary feasibility studies, we will thoroughly respond policy-wise to ensure it is ultimately reflected in the national plan."

The future procedure will involve thorough responses to the preliminary feasibility study through policy discovery and enhancement of analytical materials. Based on this, the goal is to reflect in the final execution of the 6th National Road and National Secondary Road Construction Plan (2026-2030). After reviewing the size of national finances, the final projects will be determined.

Meanwhile, the construction plan for national roads and secondary roads is a national plan aimed at systematically expanding the national road network, established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport every five years. This plan is expected to play an important role in the development of Ulsan’s transportation infrastructure.


The process for establishing national road and national secondary road construction plans is as follows. In the first stage, local governments conduct demand surveys and deliver them to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

Then the Ministry will review the routes and conduct economic analyses. During this process, projects for preliminary feasibility studies will be selected in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Following the review of the Financial Project Evaluation Committee, they will be finalized at the Road Policy Review Committee.

Ulsan City plans to continuously pursue proactive policy responses to ensure this project is ultimately confirmed.

#Ulsan, #NationalRoadNo24, #NationalRoadNo14, #UnyangDownRoad, #CheongnyangDownRoad, #PreliminaryFeasibilityStudy, #HighwayConstructionPlan, #TrafficImprovement, #LogisticsEfficiency, #ResolutionOfSinbokIntersection, #ImprovementOfResidentialConditions, #BalancedRegionalDevelopment, #MinistryOfLandInfrastructureAndTransport, #DevelopmentOfUlsanCity, #NationalPlan, #RoadInfrastructure, #ExpansionOfRoadNetwork, #EconomicAnalysis, #PolicyDiscovery, #NationalFinance, #AlleviationOfTrafficCongestion, #LogisticsIndustry, #IndustrialCargoFlow, #RevitalizationOfLocalEconomy, #RoadPolicy, #NationalRoadPlan, #KoreaResearchInstituteForHumanSettlements, #PolicyResponse, #FinancialProjectEvaluationCommittee, #RoadPolicyReviewCommittee

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