Wooam-dong former Busan University of Foreign Studies site, scheduled to start construction in June! Announcement of urban management plan and district unit plan.


Planned Construction in Uam-dong Former Busan University of Foreign Studies Site in June, Decision on Urban Management Plan (Modification) and Announcement of Topographic Map, District Unit Planning Implementation Guidelines

- Area of 51-3 Uam-dong, Nam-gu


The development of the former Busan University of Foreign Studies site in Uam-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, is officially starting. This area, which has been neglected for the past 10 years, is expected to transform into a large-scale apartment complex comprising 2,458 units.

To facilitate this development, the implementing agency, Uam Development PF, successfully completed a bridge loan refinancing worth 130 billion won last October. With a goal of beginning construction in June 2025, it is expected to significantly contribute to regional development.


This project will include 12 apartment buildings, ranging from 3 basement floors to 49 above ground, alongside cultural and neighborhood facilities. The construction company is expected to be Jeil Construction, with plans for the Jeil Pungkyungchae consisting of 2,458 units.

Initially, a public development method was considered, but the project was delayed when it transitioned to private development in 2021. Recently, following discussions with the city of Busan regarding the public contribution size, a public contribution amount of 125.4 billion won was confirmed, effectively granting the development plan final approval.

For detailed information about the public contribution negotiation proposal for the former Busan University of Foreign Studies site, please refer to the posting below.

The public contribution negotiation apartment project at the Busan University of Foreign Studies site aims to promote around 2,000 units? / Public contribution negotiation project proposal for the Busan University of Foreign Studies site, listening to district unit planning and residents' opinions.


Due to the alteration of this urban management plan, the site will transition from the existing second type general residential zone and natural green area to a quasi-residential area. This change is expected to increase the floor area ratio, allowing for more efficient development.

The residential area will increase from the previous 43,658㎡ to 51,439㎡, and the area of the quasi-residential zone will also expand significantly to 94,733㎡. This mixed development combining residential and commercial uses is anticipated to positively impact the local economy.

Such changes could provide new opportunities for both local residents and businesses.


Transportation infrastructure will be improved. Some sections of the existing roadway No. 3-10 (width 25–29m, length 2,806m) will be widened, and the new middle road No. 3-393 (width 14–30m, length 294m) will be established. This is expected to greatly enhance transportation accessibility and improve the mobility of residents.

Additionally, a cultural facility spanning 6,000㎡ and a park of 19,698㎡ will be created within the site. Furthermore, a public parking lot of 5,015㎡ and a community service center in Gamman 2-dong will also be established. The expansion of such public facilities is expected to benefit not only residents but also those in the surrounding community.

These changes will likely have a positive impact on the development of the local community.


Interest in the real estate market in Nam-gu, Busan is rising. The introduction of a 2,458-unit complex is expected to increase the real estate value of the area. With the transformation to a quasi-residential area, various developments such as commercial facilities and officetels can be pursued, attracting the attention of investors.


Once the final administrative procedures such as announcing the urban management plan are completed, construction is expected to commence in June 2025, with a target completion date in 2028. With the refinancing of the bridge loan completed, additional fundraising procedures for the transition of this project will soon begin.

If this project proceeds successfully, Uam-dong is expected to transform from a simple residential area into a complex urban space.

For detailed information regarding the implementation guidelines of the district unit plan for the former Busan University of Foreign Studies site, please see below.

Announcement No. 2025-75 of Busan Metropolitan City

Announcement of Urban Management Plan Decision (Modification) and Topographic Map (Former Busan University of Foreign Studies site)

1. The urban management plan for 51-3 Uam-dong, Nam-gu, Busan (former Busan University of Foreign Studies site) is announced as per the provisions of Article 30, Article 32 of the "Act on Planning and Use of National Territory" and Article 25 of the same law's enforcement ordinance, and Article 8 of the "Basic Act on Land Use Regulation," along with the topographic map.

2. Relevant documents (topographic maps can be viewed at "http://www.eum.go.kr") are kept for public access at the city of Busan urban space construction and the Nam-gu construction department for the general public and interested parties.

February 26, 2025
Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City

1. Decision (Modification) of Urban Management Plan (District Unit Plan)

a. District Unit Planning Area Decision Document

○ District Unit Planning Area Decision Document

CategoryArea NameLocationArea (㎡)Initial Decision DateRemarks
NewUam-dong Former Busan University of Foreign Studies District Unit Planning Area51-3 Uam-dong, Nam-gu131,701--

▶ Decision Justification

CategoryArea NameDecision DetailsReason for Decision
NewUam-dong Former Busan University of Foreign Studies District Unit Planning AreaNew A = 131,701㎡Due to the relocation of Busan University of Foreign Studies, there is a need for the readjustment and maintenance of urban functions, leading to the establishment of a comprehensive development direction for the target area and systematic and planned establishment of district unit planning.

b. Decision Document on Urban Management Plan Regarding District Unit Plan
Decision Document on Changes and Subdivisions of Land Use
○ Land Use Decision (Modification) Document

CategoryArea (㎡)Composition Ratio (%)
Residential Area95,09772.2
Second Type General Residential Area3640.3
Quasi-Residential Area94,73371.9
Green Area36,60427.8
Natural Green Area36,60427.8

▶ Reason for Modification

LocationLand Use AreaArea (㎡)Volume Ratio (%)Reason for Change
51-3 Uam-dong, Nam-guSecond Type General Residential Area → Quasi-Residential Area43,294Less than 400Change of land use area for systematic management of idle land (relocation site) remaining after relocation of Busan University of Foreign Studies
Natural Green Area → Quasi-Residential Area51,439Less than 400Change of land use area for systematic management of idle land (relocation site) remaining after relocation of Busan University of Foreign Studies

Institutional Classification
Busan Metropolitan City
Announcement Number
No. 2025-75
Announcement of Urban Management Plan Decision (Modification) and Topographic Map (Former Busan University of Foreign Studies Site)

#FormerBusanUniversityofForeignStudiesSite, #Uam-dongRedevelopment, #BusanNam-guApartments, #Busan2458Units, #BusanLargeScaleDevelopment, #BusanCityManagementPlans, #BusanPublicContribution, #BusanBridgeLoan, #BusanPFFinancing, #BusanRealEstate, #BusanUrbanPlanning, #BusanNewApartments, #BusanNam-guRealEstate, #BusanNam-guDevelopment, #BusanUam-dongApartments, #BusanJeilConstruction, #BusanTrafficImprovements, #BusanPublicFacilities, #BusanResidentialEnvironment, #BusanNewSales, #BusanHousingSupply, #BusanUrbanRegeneration, #BusanNam-guSiteUtilization, #BusanResidentialCommercialComplex, #BusanUrbanExpansion, #BusanRealEstateInvestment, #BusanMulti-FamilyHousingDevelopment, #BusanUrbanPlanningChange, #BusanHousingMarket, #BusanFutureCity

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