AI and Justice: Philosophical Exploration and Moral Dilemmas through ChatGPT


Can AI be Just?


This post will comprehensively examine the philosophical perspective of AI and the standards of moral and ethical judgment. It will provide a professional and detailed analysis of AI's views on the six dilemma situations presented in Michael Sandel's 'What is Justice?'

AI takes a pluralistic and situational approach, integrating various perspectives such as consequentialism, deontology, and substantive and formal fairness, rather than being limited to a specific philosophy. This approach emphasizes deriving the best judgment by focusing on core values in each situation.

This post will clarify how AI makes ethical decisions through an analysis of each dilemma situation. The conclusions drawn from each dilemma below reflect AI's perspective, allowing readers to gain insight into the ethical judgment process of AI.

1. The Trolley Dilemma

Situation Overview

In a scenario where five people are standing on a railway track, pulling a lever would divert the trolley to another track where one person would be sacrificed. This situation raises the question of whether it is morally right to sacrifice few to save many lives.


Ethical Analysis

From a consequentialist perspective, the outcome of actions is important, and maximizing the number of lives saved is key. For instance, if sacrificing one person to save five lives enhances overall welfare, then the choice to pull the lever could be justified.

In contrast, a deontological perspective emphasizes the morality of the actions themselves. From this viewpoint, directly harming others may be morally problematic. However, it is important to recognize that in extreme situations, judgments considering outcomes may be necessary. Both perspectives play a significant role in understanding moral dilemmas.

Final Conclusion

In the trolley dilemma, saving the greater number of lives holds more value. Therefore, the choice to pull the lever to save five people can be seen as justified.

2. Biological Parents’ Rights vs. Child Welfare after Adoption

Situation Overview

There are cases where biological parents seek to reclaim an adopted child due to economic difficulties. In this situation, prioritizing the rights of biological parents versus the welfare of the child becomes an important issue. This situation is accompanied by complex emotions and legal matters.


Ethical Analysis

According to the principle of prioritizing child welfare, a child has the right to grow up in a healthy and stable environment. Therefore, the welfare of the child should be the top consideration, and if the adoptive family can provide such a stable environment, the child's welfare becomes even more significant.

On the other hand, the rights of biological parents cannot be ignored. The bond and identity between parents and children are considered important values, but in situations where the long-term welfare of the child is not guaranteed, it becomes challenging to prioritize these rights. Ultimately, it is desirable to put the child's welfare first.

Final Conclusion

After adoption, the welfare of the child should be considered the most important.

So, decisions should be made based on the child's best interests.

3. The Justification of Military Recruitment in War

Situation Overview

In wartime, the justice of the military recruitment methods is controversial. This dilemma leads us to consider which principles should be prioritized, such as voluntariness, fairness, minimum conscription, compensation, and protection. It is necessary to discuss the importance of each principle concerning just recruitment methods.


Ethical Analysis

The importance of voluntariness is very high. Military participation should be based on personal freedom and choice, and it should be voluntary.

Moreover, fairness and equity are also crucial elements. Equal opportunities should be given to all citizens, and adverse conditions should not be applied to specific groups.

Finally, there needs to be sufficient compensation and protection against the risks of military service. This ensures the health and safety of soldiers.

Final Conclusion

Recruitment of soldiers in war should proceed based on voluntary participation and fairness. Additionally, appropriate compensation and protection must be provided simultaneously. When these elements are fulfilled, the effectiveness of military recruitment increases.

4. The Fairness Issues of Scholarship Programs

Situation Overview

In scholarship programs for academic achievers, students who grow up in wealthy environments often receive higher grades. This raises questions about whether applying the same criteria is actually fair. These issues prompt a re-evaluation of the relationship between academic achievement and economic background.


Ethical Analysis

Formal fairness is applying the same grade criteria to all students, which may superficially appear fair. However, considering substantial fairness, if students start from different lines due to economic backgrounds or learning environments, a mere grade criterion can exacerbate inequality.

Final Conclusion

The scholarship program should reflect substantial fairness. Since it is a system that provides additional support to low-income students considering various factors like economic background, it can be deemed just.

5. Player Health and Risk Issues in Professional Sports

Situation Overview

Football players receive high salaries and voluntarily take risks. However, this raises concerns about serious health issues, such as brain injuries. Therefore, a balance must be found between individual choice and the ethical responsibilities of the industry.


Ethical Analysis

Personal choice and freedom are crucial elements for athletes. Athletes choose a profession that voluntarily takes risks, so their freedom and responsibility are recognized.

However, the professional sports industry has an ethical responsibility to ensure the health and safety of athletes. This means that measures are needed for the long-term welfare of athletes beyond commercial interests. Hence, improvements in safety equipment, enhancements to game regulations, and strengthening medical support are essential.

Final Conclusion

The professional sports industry should operate with the health and safety of athletes as a top priority. A focus on long-term welfare rather than short-term profits can be deemed just.

6. Lying to a Murderer Asking for a Friend’s Location

Situation Overview

If a murderer asks for the location of a friend hidden in the house, the principles of honesty and the moral obligation to protect a friend's life come into conflict. In such a difficult situation, deep consideration is required to determine what choice is right.


Ethical Analysis

From a consequentialist perspective, lying to save a friend’s life can be justified as the right choice. In other words, outcomes are important.

In contrast, from a deontological perspective, honesty is considered a moral duty, but in extreme situations, important values such as protecting life may take precedence. Such complex ethical considerations are necessary.

Final Conclusion

Lying to protect a friend's life can be ethically permissible. In this case, the importance of protecting life takes precedence over honesty.

Overall Conclusion


This report contains an analysis of six dilemma situations based on various philosophical perspectives of AI. In particular, it focuses on the balance between consequentialism, deontology, and substantive and formal fairness. It presents final conclusions for each dilemma so that readers can understand deeply.

1. The Trolley Dilemma:
The choice to pull the lever to save five lives is justified.

2. Biological Parent Rights vs. Child Welfare after Adoption:
The welfare of the child should be prioritized.

3. Military Recruitment:
A method that guarantees voluntariness, fairness, compensation, and protection is just.

4. Scholarship Programs:
It is necessary to have a program that reflects substantial fairness and considers various factors such as economic background.

5. Professional Sports Industry:
It should be operated with a focus on protecting the health and safety of athletes.

6. Lying to a Murderer Asking for a Friend’s Location:
It is ethically permissible to lie to protect a friend's life.

AI integrates various philosophical perspectives to address complex moral and ethical dilemmas based on essential values appropriate to the situation.

This pluralistic approach allows artificial intelligence to go beyond simple calculations and engage deeply with complex ethical issues in human society.

Is There a Difference Between Human and AI Philosophical Approaches?

The approach of AI to ethical and moral dilemmas differs from that of humans in several ways. The main differences can be summarized as follows:

First, there is data-driven analysis and algorithmic approach. AI learns from vast amounts of data and performs logical and structured analysis based on various philosophical and ethical theories. While humans often rely on experiences or emotions, AI makes consistent judgments based on pre-set models and rules.

Second, AI strives to maintain objectivity and consistency. While AI can provide consistent analysis regarding the same situation, human judgment can be influenced by various factors such as experience, culture, and emotion. Thus, AI has the advantage of providing more objective criteria.

Third, AI is capable of systematizing pluralistic approaches. AI attempts to integrate various philosophical perspectives, such as consequentialism, deontology, and formal and substantive fairness, to draw balanced conclusions. Though humans also consider multiple perspectives, personal beliefs and emotions may influence their judgments, potentially resulting in less consistent outcomes compared to AI.

Finally, AI makes judgments without emotions and intuitions. Humans often base decisions related to moral and ethical dilemmas on emotions or intuitions, whereas AI derives conclusions based on learned knowledge and logical analysis. Due to these differences, AI provides a unique approach to ethical judgments.


In conclusion, AI focuses on objective analysis based on algorithms and data. This is distinctly different from human judgment based on subjective experiences and emotions.

However, AI's approach can be said to excel at systematically integrating diverse ethical perspectives to derive consistent conclusions.

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