Announcement of the designation and removal of the maintenance plan and area for the Gaya 7 residential environment improvement project in the area of 8-91, Gaya-dong, Busanjin-gu.


Announcement of Revocation of the Maintenance Planned Zone, Maintenance Plan, and Designation of the Gaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Project

- Gaya-dong 8-91 area, Busanjin-gu

Revocation of Gaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Zone

The maintenance zone for the Gaya 7 residential environment improvement project in the area of 8-91 Gaya-dong, Busanjin-gu has been lifted. This decision was finalized 5 months after the consultation and announcement of the maintenance planned zone and maintenance plan in October 2024.

Announcement of the Revocation of the Maintenance Plan and Zone for the Gaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Project in Busanjin-gu, Gaya-dong

The reason for the revocation of the maintenance zone is the result of meeting the consent requirements under Article 21, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Urban and Residential Environment Maintenance Act. This means that the maintenance zone was lifted with support from residents surpassing the required ratio. This area was designated as a maintenance zone for the residential environment improvement project through an announcement by Busan Metropolitan City on June 27, 2007. Although the maintenance plan was revised in 2008 and 2009, the project ultimately faced difficulties in progress, leading to the decision to revoke it.

Revocation of Gaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Zone

The revocation of the maintenance zone is significant as it indicates that the area is considering new redevelopment plans. The area that has been revoked will return to its state prior to being designated as a maintenance zone, and the development direction will be ultimately determined through gathering residents' opinions.

Currently, no specific redevelopment plans have been publicly disclosed, but there is potential for new development ideas to be discussed in connection with maintenance projects in the surrounding areas. Such changes are expected to have a positive impact on local residents.

Revocation of Gaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Zone

The Gaya 7 district is designated as a type 2 general residential area with an area of approximately 7,947㎡. The original plan included residential land, roads, pedestrian paths, off-street parking lots, and a senior center as the maintenance infrastructure, but these plans have all been canceled due to the recent revocation.

Revocation of Gaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Zone

Even after the maintenance zone has been revoked, the development potential of the area still exists. Recently, maintenance projects and reconstruction efforts in the Busanjin-gu area have been actively taking place, so there is significant potential for the Gaya 7 district to seek new developmental possibilities alongside local advancement. The process of coordinating between residents' opinions and the plans of administrative authorities should be closely monitored.

Announcement No. 2025-92 of Busan Metropolitan City

Announcement of the Revocation of the Maintenance Planned Zone, Maintenance Plan, and Designation of the Gaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Project

1. The Gaya 7 residential environment improvement project was decided as a maintenance zone by Busan Metropolitan City Announcement No. 2007-253 (2007.06.27.), the improvement plan was changed by Busan Metropolitan City Announcement No. 2008-396 (2008.10.29.), and the improvement plan was publicly announced as changed by Busan Metropolitan City Announcement No. 2009-270 (2009.07.08.). According to Article 21 of the Urban and Residential Environment Maintenance Act, the maintenance planned zone, maintenance plan, and designation of the maintenance zone is hereby revoked and announced, and the topographic map is announced according to Article 8 of the Basic Land Use Regulation Act and Article 7 of its enforcement ordinance.
2. Related documents (available at “”) are kept in the Urban Repair Division of Busan Metropolitan City (☎ 051-888-4241) and the Building Division of Busanjin-gu (☎ 051-605-8584) for public viewing.

Date: March 12, 2025

Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City

1. Revocation document for the designation of residential environment improvement project: revoked

Designation TypeDistrict NameArea (1,000㎡)LocationLand Use PlanTime of PlanningPhased PlanRemarks
RevocationGaya-Residential Environment-77.9Gaya-dong 8-97 areaResidential Management---

2. Revocation document for the designation of the residential environment improvement project: revoked

Designation TypeDistrict NameDistrict NameLocationArea (㎡)Remarks
RevocationResidential Environment Improvement ProjectGaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement DistrictGaya-dong 8-91 area, Busanjin-gu7,947.0Initial decision Busan Metropolitan City Announcement No. 2007-253 (2007.06.27)

3. Maintenance plan for the residential environment improvement project: revoked

a. Plan for changes in land use: No changes

TypeArea (㎡)Composition Ratio (%)Remarks
Previously SetChangeAfter Change
Type 2 General Residential Area7,947.0-7,947.0100.0

b. Land Use Plan: Revoked

TypeNameArea (㎡)Composition Ratio (%)Remarks
Residential Land and Maintenance InfrastructureTotal7,947.0100.0
Residential Land5,198.065.4
Pedestrian Path938.011.8
Maintenance Infrastructure1,811.022.8
Senior Center112.01.4
Off-street Parking Lot781.09.8

c. Plans regarding the main purpose of buildings, building coverage ratio, floor area ratio, height, etc.: Revoked

Decision TypeDistrict TypeLocationBuilding Coverage Ratio (%)Floor Area Ratio (%)Height and Number of Floors
NameArea (㎡)
RevocationGaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Maintenance Zone7,947.0Gaya-dong 8-91 areaCoverage ratio less than 60%Floor area ratio less than 200%Article 82 of the Building Act Enforcement Ordinance

d. Matters regarding the implementation of projects: Revoked
◦ Expected execution time of the maintenance project: Within 4 years from the announcement date of designation of the maintenance zone
◦ Method of executing maintenance projects
- Housing improvement: Landowners improve their own housing
- Installation of maintenance infrastructure: Local government (Mayor of Busanjin-gu, Busan Metropolitan City)

e. Other content regarding the establishment of the maintenance plan: Revoked


Agency Classification
Busan Metropolitan City
Announcement Number
Announcement of the Revocation of the Maintenance Planned Zone, Maintenance Plan, and Designation of the Gaya 7 Residential Environment Improvement Project

#Gaya7District, #BusanRedevelopment, #GayaDongRedevelopment, #Gaya7ResidentialEnvironmentImprovementProject, #MaintenanceZoneRevocation, #BusanUrbanRepair, #BusanRealEstate, #BusanResidentialEnvironment, #RevocationofMaintenancePlannedZone, #BusanjinGuRedevelopment, #GayaDongApartments, #BusanRedevelopmentNews, #RevocationofMaintenancePlan, #BusanUrbanDevelopment, #RedevelopmentRevocation, #BusanReconstruction, #NewDevelopmentinBusan, #BusanUrbanRepairProject, #UrbanRedevelopment, #Gaya7DistrictRevocation, #BusanApartments, #CasesofMaintenanceZoneRevocation, #BusanRepairProject, #BusanHousingMarket, #BusanLivingEnvironment, #UrbanRepairPolicy, #ResidentialEnvironmentRepair, #ImprovementofBusanResidentialEnvironment, #BusanjinGuRealEstate, #BusanjinGuRepairProject

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