Busan City is recruiting companies to participate in the '4050 Employment Promotion Support Project' to create jobs for middle-aged and older adults - Up to 4.8 million won in incentives provided!


Recruitment of Companies Participating in the 4050 Employment Promotion Support Project


Busan City is conducting the '4050 Employment Promotion Support Project' to encourage the hiring of full-time employees in their 40s and 50s. Participating companies will be recruited from March 10 to March 28.

This program is designed to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Busan area and to revitalize the local economy. Companies proceeding with full-time hiring will receive various benefits and incentives.

Through these efforts, it is expected that the economic vitality of Busan will be enhanced and that it will contribute to job creation.

Overview of the 4050 Employment Promotion Support Project


Busan City has decided to increase the support number from 100 last year to 130 this year for full-time hiring.

The targets for support are manufacturing companies located in Busan, companies located in industrial complexes, and certified companies in strategic business sectors.

These companies can receive 800,000 won per month for each newly hired employee aged between 40 and 50 for 6 months, with a total support amount reaching up to 4.8 million won.

The support fund will be paid monthly after the new hire.


Application Guide for Participating Companies

The application period runs from March 10 to March 28, 2025.

Applications can be made through the official website of the Busan Business Association at www.bsefapp.co.kr. Additionally, inquiries can be made via email to the Busan Business Association at bs4050@bsef.kr and to the Busan Chamber of Commerce at hiwoo@korcham.net.

Companies that apply will have their eligibility determined through a selection committee. Selected companies will sign a business agreement, and monthly incentives will be provided after the new hire takes place.

Companies wishing to participate are encouraged to apply within the period to enjoy the benefits.

Expected Effects of the Project


This project is expected to support employment stability for individuals in their 40s and 50s, addressing the labor shortage issues of local small and medium-sized enterprises, and assisting in their growth. Busan City will continue to implement various policies for job creation for the 40s and 50s in the future.

#BusanCity, #4050EmploymentPromotion, #MiddleAgedJobs, #EmploymentPromotion, #SmallBusinessSupport, #MediumBusinessSupport, #BusanEmploymentPolicy, #BusanBusinessAssociation, #BusanChamberOfCommerce, #FullTimeHiring, #EmploymentSupportFund, #HiringIncentives, #JobCreation, #BusanEconomicRevitalization, #BusinessGrowth, #LocalEconomicDevelopment, #BusanJobs, #4050Jobs, #RecruitmentSupport, #GovernmentGrants, #SmallBusinessBenefits, #BusanPolicy, #EconomicRevitalization, #BusinessSupportPolicies, #EmploymentSupportProjects, #BusanEmploymentMarket, #JobExpansion, #BusanCityGovernment

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