Busan Jin-gu's Juwon Elementary School and Gasan Elementary School to close after 25 years - the number of first-grade students barely surpasses 20,000.


In 2025, Busan's elementary school enrollment barely reaches 20,000, with two schools closing


The decrease in the school-age population in Busan is becoming serious. The number of children expected to enroll in the first grade of elementary school in Busan for the 2025 academic year is predicted to be just 20,005, raising the possibility of dropping below 20,000. This is a significant decrease compared to last year's figure of 20,921 enrolled children.

As a result of this declining school-age population, Juwon Elementary School and Gasan Elementary School located in Busanjin-gu have been closed. With the number of students continuing to decline, some schools have struggled to recruit new students, ultimately leading to the decision to close. Thus, the educational environment in Busan is facing increasing difficulties.

Busan's number of elementary school enrollees halved in 20 years


In the year 2000, the number of elementary school enrollees in Busan was 47,941, but this has shown a continuous decline, reducing to below half in 20 years. In particular, there were 23,622 school-age children in 2023, but in 2024, a decrease of about 2,700 is expected, indicating a rapid downward trend.

This situation is not limited to Busan. Across the country, the number of elementary school enrollees is significantly decreasing. For the 2025 academic year, the expected number of first graders nationwide is 356,258, which is a reduction of 99,421 (21.8%) compared to ten years ago.

This trend is likely to have a significant impact on education policy and local communities.


Regions showing notable declines in the school-age population recently include Jeonbuk (36.6% decline), Gyeongbuk (33.3% decline), and Gyeongnam (31.7% decline). Busan also is not exempt from this declining trend.

Two elementary schools closed... Increase in mini schools


Due to the decrease in the school-age population, Juwon Elementary School and Gasan Elementary School located in Busanjin-gu were closed this year.

Juwon Elementary School saw a continuous drop in the number of students, having only 99 students in 2023. Ultimately, it made the final decision to close following its graduation ceremony.


The closed school site spans 10,000 square meters and is located in the city center, indicating high potential for use. The nearby Inje University Busan Baik Hospital has plans to purchase this site and expand the hospital to include a comprehensive emergency center, but discussions on the utilization plan with the education office have been delayed, hindering progress.

Currently, due to the vacancy of the superintendent, plans for the site's utilization have not been decided, leaving a high likelihood that this space will remain empty for the time being. It is important to observe the direction this will take in the future.

Juwon Elementary School in Gaegum to Close in 2025 / Will the school site be sold for the expansion of Jureo Hospital?


Gasan Elementary School currently has only 36 students, and last year it did not have any new students, resulting in no entrance ceremony taking place.

Such 'mini schools' are increasing every year. The number of mini schools, which stood at 16 in 2021, is expected to rise to 17 in 2022, 16 again in 2023, 26 in 2024, and 29 in 2025.

This year, there was even a situation where an elementary school in Busan had not a single first grader, leading to no entrance ceremony. Such phenomena have a significant impact on the existence of schools and local communities.

Urgent response measures for decreasing school-age population


Across the country, including Busan, the closure of elementary schools is progressing rapidly. Just this year, 49 elementary, middle, and high schools (27 main schools, 22 branch schools) nationwide are facing closures, and in the past five years, 137 schools have closed for the same reason.

As schools disappear due to the decrease in the school-age population, concerns about community collapse and the weakening of public education are growing. Experts emphasize that merely encouraging births through policy will not solve the issue, and that reforms in the education system and revitalization measures for local communities in preparation for the declining school-age population are urgently needed.

In the case of Busan, while school mergers due to the decline in new students are unavoidable, measures must also be implemented to prevent a decrease in the quality of education during that process. Reducing class sizes, introducing local specialized education programs, and providing tailored educational support are being discussed as alternatives.

Now, Busan must establish long-term policies to address the decrease in the school-age population. It must recognize that the closure of elementary schools does not simply end with a reduction in numbers but can lead to the collapse of local communities. It has reached a point where we must consider more fundamental solutions.

#Busan, #elementary school, #school closure, #low birthrate, #decrease in school-age population, #Busan education, #school-age children, #public education, #school closure, #decrease in students, #Busanjin-gu, #Busan elementary school, #declining birthrate, #education policy, #Busan Office of Education, #National Assembly Education Committee, #Kim Dae-sik, #Busan schools, #entrance ceremony, #mini school, #urban education, #school-age population, #educational crisis, #Busan redevelopment, #community collapse, #Ministry of Education, #Busan news, #social issues, #population decline, #decrease in number of students

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