Busan Port Authority BPA New Headquarters Expansion Design Plan Unveiled! Aiming for Completion in 2029 and the Future of the North Port Redevelopment Marine Institution Cluster.


Unveiling of the Expansion Design Perspective for BPA Headquarters, Targeting Completion in 2029


The design perspective for the expansion of Busan Port Authority (BPA)'s new headquarters has been revealed. This design plan was selected as a joint work of Hee-Rim Architects and HanmiGlobal Architecture, aiming for completion in 2029. The new headquarters is expected to contribute to the development of Busan's port.

Overview of BPA Headquarters Expansion Plan


The BPA headquarters is designed with a total site area of 37,260㎡, a total floor area of 39,388.93㎡, and a building area of 11,493.80㎡. The building is planned to be constructed up to 10 stories above ground, with architectural design and permitting procedures to be completed by the third quarter of 2026, followed by groundbreaking in the fourth quarter. Completion is scheduled for the second half of 2029, with occupancy expected around that time.

A total of 6 proposals were received for this design competition, and evaluation was conducted based on 5 criteria: layout plan, spatial plan, harmony with the surroundings, technical plan, etc. BPA emphasizes fairness and transparency through the operation of a Public Architecture Review Committee, an Operating Committee, and a Specialist Committee, as well as the public selection process of judges and blind evaluation. These procedures hope that the BPA headquarters will become an important building that harmonizes with the local community.

Need for Relocation of Current BPA Headquarters


The current headquarters of the Busan Port Authority (BPA) is located in the old coastal passenger terminal building in Jung-gu, Busan. This site is designated as a coastal cruise terminal according to the North Port redevelopment project plan, putting BPA in a position where relocation of headquarters is ultimately required.

Furthermore, compared to other regional port authorities, BPA has relatively small office space per employee. Currently, around 300 staff work in a headquarters that is 8,000㎡ in size. Since its establishment in 2004, BPA has experienced using the Hanjin Shipping building under lease for 13 years before relocating to its current headquarters in 2017.

In the future, BPA will need to prepare relocation plans to secure larger and more efficient office spaces.

Changes in the BPA New Headquarters Construction Plan


The Busan Port Authority (BPA) originally planned to build a new headquarters within the complex port area of the North Port redevelopment area, but the plan was temporarily suspended in April 2023 after a self-feasibility review found the business viability to be low. In February 2023, it was concluded that supplementary facilities within the new headquarters were unlikely to pass preliminary feasibility studies.

The new headquarters envisioned by the BPA was to consist of 3 buildings with a total floor area of 13,800㎡, planned as a marine complex including welfare and cultural facilities as well as office spaces for shipping, port, and logistics-related institutions and local residents. However, in this new construction plan, it has been significantly reduced in scale compared to the original concept. Such changes are expected to have a substantial impact on the development direction of the North Port redevelopment area.

Relationship with Marine Institution Cluster Formation


Since the new headquarters plan has been put on hold, BPA has determined that the expansion of the headquarters is essential in preparation for the increase in organizational personnel by 2040. However, with the recent participation in the agreement on the marine public institution cluster formation in the North Port redevelopment area, led by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the choice between headquarters expansion and new headquarters construction has become uncertain.

According to industry insiders, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries is promoting plans to integrate marine-related public institutions into a cluster, but there are disagreements between BPA and the Ministry over land use planning, district unit planning, and land payment settlement methods. These issues are expected to significantly affect future decisions.

Ultimately, BPA’s headquarters-related plans are intricately entwined with various factors, and the future developments will be closely monitored.

Plan for the Formation of Marine Institution Cluster at the North Port

Busan Government Joint Office, Scheduled to Start Construction in 2025 and Complete in 2028 - Plan for North Port Redevelopment and Marine Institution Cluster Formation

The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries plans to create a marine institution cluster on the site of the outdoor parking lot of the Busan Port International Passenger Terminal (approximately 77,000㎡) as part of phase 1 of the Busan Port redevelopment project.

This project is being carried out in collaboration with 6 institutions, including the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Busan Port Authority (BPA), Korea Maritime Promotion Corporation, Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), and the National Korea Maritime University.

For more details, please refer to the link above.

#BusanPortAuthority, #BPA, #BusanNewHeadquarters, #BusanRealEstate, #BusanRedevelopment, #NorthPortRedevelopment, #BusanPort, #BusanHarbor, #MinistryofOceansandFisheries, #BusanDevelopment, #BusanPortInternationalPassengerTerminal, #MarinePublicInstitutions, #BusanRealEstateNews, #BusanEconomy, #BusanPortCluster, #BusanRealEstateInformation, #BusanPortFacilities, #BusanInfrastructure, #BusanHeadquarters, #BusanArchitecture, #BusanUrbanPlanning, #BusanPortAuthority, #BusanCity, #BusanCoastalPassengerTerminal, #BusanNorthPort, #MarineIndustry, #BusanStartups, #BusanInvestment, #BusanPortFuture, #BusanInnovation

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