Busan Youth Stepping Stone Card: Up to 1.8 million won support for unemployed youth aged 18 to 39, application method and income criteria guide!


Busan Youth Stepping Stone Card Program Overview, Income Standards, Application Method


Busan City operates the "Youth Stepping Stone Card+" program to help young people enter society stably by 2025. Through this program, unemployed youth will be offered a subsidy of up to 1.8 million won.

The target group consists of unemployed youth aged 18 to 39 residing in Busan, with an income level below 150% of the median standard income.

Busan Youth Stepping Stone Card Target Group and Scale


Busan City plans to recruit 1,000 young people for the youth social entry activity fee support project this year. Selected youth will receive 300,000 won per month for a total of 1.8 million won over six months.

This program aims to assist youth in their job search activities and contribute to their economic stability, ultimately reducing the financial burden on local youth.

Fields Where Points Can Be Used


The points received can be used in various ways. They can be applied toward direct costs for job searching, such as acquiring certifications, taking exams, attending classes, purchasing study materials, as well as indirect costs like meal expenses and stationery purchases.

However, it is important to note that points cannot be used in liquor stores, furniture, jewelry, and pet-related businesses. Additionally, if the individual successfully gets employed or starts a business within five months of the program's commencement, they can receive an additional 300,000 points as 'Job/Startup Success Bonus.'

Application Method and Selection Criteria


Applications can be submitted online on the official website of the "Youth Stepping Stone Card+" (youthdidimdol.kr) until 6 PM on March 28.

This year, to provide fair opportunities, the scoring system based on income and unemployment duration will be eliminated, and selections will be made randomly according to income brackets. The number of selected individuals will be 700 for those below 100% of the median income standard, and 300 for those between 100% and 150%.

Detailed Schedule Information

Busan City plans to announce the selected participants in April and conduct preliminary training. After that, from May to October, points of 300,000 won will be provided monthly for six months.

More detailed information can be found on the Busan Youth Platform (young.busan.go.kr) or the Youth Stepping Stone Card+ website (youthdidimdol.kr).

Income Standards (2024 Health Insurance Premium Standards)

Median Income StandardNumber of Household MembersEmployees (Monthly/Won)Local Subscribers (Monthly/Won)Mixed (Monthly/Won)
Up to 100%3 People167,876123,611169,859
4 People205,281156,318208,153
5 People239,074195,321243,098
Up to 150%3 People251,147210,599255,837
4 People304,986271,091314,423
5 People360,818332,772377,299

(※ The standard for 1-2 person households is based on the 3-person household standard)

Expectations and Support Plans of Busan City


The Director of the Busan Youth Industry-Academic Cooperation Office emphasized that the Youth Stepping Stone Card program will alleviate the financial burden of young people during their job search process and support them to smoothly enter society. He added, "We will continuously identify and promote useful support projects for youth independence in the future."

Youth residing in Busan will have a great opportunity to reduce their financial burden and prepare for a better future through this program.

#BusanYouthSteppingStoneCard, #YouthSupportProgram, #YouthSocialEntryActivityFee, #BusanYouthPolicy, #UnemployedYouthSupport, #JobPreparation, #CertificationSupport, #SocialEntrySupport, #YouthWelfare, #BusanYouth, #BusanMetropolitanCity, #BusanEconomicPromotionAgency, #Dongbaekjeon, #YouthSteppingStoneCardPlus, #BusanJobSupport, #JobSearchingActivityFee, #BusanYouthPlatform, #YouthPolicy, #MedianIncomeStandard, #JobApplicationCostSupport

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