Connecting Your Own Domain to Google Blogger with Cloudflare: Simple Setup to Monetize Your Blog!


How to Connect a Personal Domain to Google Blogger Using Cloudflare


Utilizing a personal domain while running a blog greatly enhances professionalism and helps build a brand. In particular, connecting a personal domain to Google Blogger makes setting up the blog homepage easier, and allows for quick and accurate indexing through Google Search Console, providing favorable effects for SEO.

Additionally, by using foreign domain service providers like Cloudflare, you can receive a free SSL certificate, improve the speed of your website through CDN, and enhance security. For these reasons, Cloudflare is considered a commendable service.

The combination of a personal domain and useful services offers many advantages in blog management.


For bloggers who find the complex settings of WordPress daunting, a detailed introduction to setting up a personal domain using Google Blogger and Cloudflare is provided.

First, it's important to prepare in advance. Create a Google Blogger account and sign up for Cloudflare. At this time, you can easily link it with your Google account and choose a free plan. It is also essential to think ahead about your unique blog address.

Step-by-Step Setup Guide

1. Register the Domain on Cloudflare


Access Cloudflare and select the [Domain Registration] option. Then, enter the previously determined website domain name to check its availability. Domains that are already in use cannot be newly registered.


After checking the domain name, it has been confirmed that it is available. Therefore, it would be advisable to choose a standard .com format.


Cloudflare offers a free plan, but you need to pay an annual fee of $10.44 to register and maintain the domain. This cost is about 15,000 won, which provides an opportunity to own your own website. Such a small expense can easily pay off through AdSense revenue from visitors.


By paying the annual fee, you can secure your personal domain. Activate the automatic renewal option in domain management to ensure that payments are made automatically each year, allowing you to maintain your domain continuously.


The free plan from Cloudflare offers SSL certificates and improves website loading speed while enhancing security through CDN. You do not need to know the specific meanings of WAF, SSL, and CDN. I do not understand them well either.

2. Add Personal Domain in Google Blogger


Access the blog management page, then go to the [Settings] menu and navigate to the [Publishing] section. Here, click on the [Custom Domain] option, enter the personal domain purchased from Cloudflare, and save it.

It is essential to record both provided CNAME values (name/host and destination/value) during the initial domain connection process, as these values are necessary for DNS settings.

3. DNS Record Settings

Login to Cloudflare to check the current DNS records and remove any unnecessary items.

Then, click the [Add Record] button to enter the two CNAME records provided by Google Blogger.

Set the type to CNAME and input the values noted from Blogger for the name and destination.


It is important to add an A record to ensure the stability of the blog.

The setup process is as follows:

Select 'A' for the type, enter the domain address in the name field, and sequentially input the following four values into the IPv4 address field:


When entering DNS records, it is necessary to carefully review to avoid typos.

This procedure can enhance the access stability of the blog.

4. SSL Security Settings (Cloudflare)


After accessing the Cloudflare dashboard, navigate to the [SSL/TLS] option. Then, set the SSL mode to 'Full (Strict)'.

5. Activate HTTPS in Google Blogger


In the Blogger management screen,

go to [Settings] → [HTTPS].

Then, turn on the [HTTPS Available] option and also enable the [HTTPS Redirect] function to ensure that the blog is always connected via HTTPS.

Check Settings and Finalize


It may take up to 24-48 hours for the DNS changes to complete. After modifying settings, immediate application may not occur, so you may need to wait up to 48 hours.

Also, to verify if the SSL certificate has been correctly applied, check the padlock icon in the browser's address bar.

It is important to check if access is smooth by entering the domain address in both http:// and https:// formats.


When changing the blog domain, existing AdSense approval may need to be re-established. Therefore, if you are using AdSense, this should be taken into consideration.

I created a new Google Blogger, connected the domain, and completed the process of receiving AdSense approval.

Google AdSense Monetization: SEO and Backlink Strategies for Achieving $100

In Conclusion


Setting up a personal domain is a critical process for enhancing blog professionalism and maximizing SEO effectiveness. By utilizing Google Blogger and Cloudflare, this setup can be relatively easy, allowing additional benefits such as improved security and speed.

In fact, I didn't know much about website creation or composition, nor did I have a clear understanding of the concept of a domain, but I was able to easily manage a personal domain blog through these methods.

Instead of using complex WordPress, let's choose Google Blogger and challenge ourselves in successful blog management through domain setup! 🚀

#GoogleBlogger, #Blogger, #BlogDomainConnection, #Cloudflare, #DomainConnectionMethod, #PersonalDomain, #InternetAddress, #BlogSEO, #BlogMonetization, #SSLCertificate, #CDN, #GoogleSearchConsole, #DomainSetup, #WordPress, #GoogleBloggerSetup, #DNSSetup, #HTTPS, #DomainSecurity, #BlogManagementTips, #GoogleSearchOptimization, #WebsiteSpeedImprovement, #FreeSSL, #PersonalBranding, #BlogSetupMethod, #WebsiteSecurity, #GoogleSearchRegistration, #BlogTraffic, #WordPressSetup, #BlogDomainChange

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