Government Accelerates Quantum Initiative: Analysis of Quantum Technology Industrialization and Key Corporate Trends


Quantum Technology, Industrialization Beyond R&D! Full-scale Promotion of the Quantum Initiative

Government Fully Promotes Quantum Initiative

The government has unveiled a full-fledged strategy to promote the industrialization of quantum science and technology.

This 'Quantum Initiative' is centered on the development of quantum software, fostering the materials, components, and equipment industry, and strengthening global cooperation. Through this, our country aims to establish itself as a leading country in the quantum economy by 2035.

Launch of the Quantum Strategy Committee and Promotion of the Quantum Initiative

Government Fully Promotes Quantum Initiative

On March 12, the launch ceremony and first meeting of the Quantum Strategy Committee took place at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science in Daejeon. This committee is the highest body that deliberates and decides policies in the field of quantum science and technology, serving as an important starting point for cooperation between government and private experts to lead the quantum industrialization.

The government is preparing various measures for the industrialization of quantum technology. These include flagship projects, strategic research and development (R&D), training of specialized quantum personnel, software and algorithm development, and fostering the materials and components industry as well as global cooperation. Through these efforts, the government aims to firmly establish the foundation for the industrialization of quantum technology.

The Importance of Quantum Technology and Market Growth Outlook

Government Fully Promotes Quantum Initiative

Quantum technology is an innovative technology that brings about new changes in national security and across industries today. This technology can be utilized in various fields such as quantum computing that can undermine cryptographic systems, quantum communication that prevents information theft, and quantum sensors that enable stealth detection. Currently, the quantum market size is approximately $2.34 billion, or 3.3 trillion won, but experts predict that this market will grow to about $24.6 billion, or 34 trillion won by 2033.

Major countries such as the United States, China, the EU, and Japan are investing on a large scale, making quantum science and technology a national strategic technology. South Korea is also developing concentrated investment and nurturing strategies for the industrialization of quantum technology to keep pace with this trend. The advancement of quantum technology is expected to have a significant impact on our lives and economy in the future.

Core Promotion Strategies of the Quantum Initiative

Government Fully Promotes Quantum Initiative

It is important to take on innovative challenges through strategic research and development and talent cultivation. R&D pursued with the willingness to accept failure contributes to the development of a 1000-qubit quantum computer and quantum networks, and navigation sensors that operate without GPS. Moreover, the establishment of quantum graduate schools and quantum platforms, and efforts to attract talented individuals from abroad are essential.

Government Fully Promotes Quantum Initiative

It is important to lay the foundation for quantum industrialization. We aim for rapid commercialization through the development of quantum software and algorithms.

Additionally, there is a need to foster the quantum materials, components, and equipment industry and expand validation according to demand. A dedicated fund is also being established to support the growth of quantum startups.

Plans are in place to create quantum foundries and testbeds to facilitate the industrialization process further.

Government Fully Promotes Quantum Initiative

Various efforts are needed for global cooperation and strengthening technological safety. By attracting the Quantum Development Group (QDG) to Korea, cooperation with major countries should be expanded, and the establishment of a Quantum Frontier Lab should be pursued to promote international joint research. Additionally, it is essential to promote cooperative research and development (R&D) between the private sector and military through collaboration with the Ministry of Defense and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration.

Global Quantum Technology Market and Trends of Representative Companies

Global Quantum Technology Market and Trends of Representative Companies

As the quantum technology market rapidly develops, leading companies around the world are focusing on the development and commercialization of this technology. The recent trends of each company are as follows.

First, IBM has launched a 1121-qubit processor 'Condor' in December 2023, and has plans to develop a 4000-qubit quantum computer by 2025. Google is collaborating with NVIDIA to address noise issues in quantum computers, and it aims for the commercialization of quantum computing applications by November 2024.

Additionally, Huawei released a smartphone utilizing quantum encryption technology in August 2023, and continues to announce standards in the field of quantum communication. SandboxAQ is expected to develop a GPS-less AI-based quantum navigation system using quantum sensors by June 2024, and is also conducting research on extending the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries.

The efforts of these global companies show that research and development strategies for quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum sensors, and more are actively being pursued. It is expected that these technologies will be fully industrialized within the next few years.

Is Industrialization of Quantum Technology Feasible?

The Future of Quantum Computers

The Quantum Initiative is emerging as a key strategy for South Korea to gain competitiveness in the global quantum technology arena. However, it is expected that considerable time and resources will be required before major technologies such as quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensors are commercialized. Currently, South Korea lacks competitive quantum-related companies and the foundation for industrialization is also insufficient.

For this reason, if the government's large-scale investments are to lead to actual industrial results, enhanced cooperation with private enterprises is essential. It is necessary to promote the development of the quantum industry through practical research and development and global cooperation. A systematic strategy that extends beyond mere research and development to actual industrialization is absolutely required.

#QuantumTechnology, #QuantumInitiative, #QuantumComputing, #QuantumCommunication, #QuantumSensor, #QuantumIndustrialization, #QuantumStrategyCommittee, #ScienceAndTechnologyPolicy, #QuantumEconomy, #QuantumTech, #KoreanQuantumTechnology, #QuantumMaterialsAndComponents, #QuantumSoftware, #InnovationR&D, #FlagshipProject, #QuantumWorkforceDevelopment, #QuantumPlatform, #QuantumStartup, #QuantumFoundry, #Testbed, #TechnologySecurity, #MilitaryCivilianCooperationR&D, #QuantumTechnologyIndustrialLaw, #QuantumNetwork, #QuantumNavigationSensor, #QuantumMarketGrowth, #FutureTechnology, #QuantumCluster, #QuantumExclusiveFund, #InternationalCooperation, #QuantumFrontierLab

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