Guidelines for Fire Response and Precautions for Electric Vehicle Chargers in Multi-Family Housing
As the use of electric vehicles increases, the number of electric vehicle fires is also rising.
Especially, fires occurring in electric vehicle charging zones in multi-family housing have a higher risk of leading to larger incidents due to special environments such as underground parking lots, making prevention and quick response essential.
This article will explore the fire prevention and response methods for electric vehicles in multi-family housing provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
1. Main Causes and Risks of Electric Vehicle Fires
Fires in electric vehicles can be triggered by various factors.
Examples include excessive current during charging, discharging, overheating, accidents while driving, and battery defects.
Understanding these diverse causes is important.
Let's take a look at the characteristics of electric vehicle fires.
First, lithium-ion batteries store high energy and tend to be difficult to extinguish once a fire occurs.
Secondly, even after the fire is out, heat can still be generated within the battery, creating a risk of re-ignition.
Lastly, if the battery of an electric vehicle burns, it releases toxic gases that can cause casualties.
These characteristics are crucial factors to consider regarding the safety of electric vehicles.
2. Precautions When Charging Electric Vehicles in Multi-Family Housing
To prevent fires while charging electric vehicles,
users must strictly adhere to the following points
Before using the charger, it is vital to check the condition of the cables and connectors. It is advisable to refrain from charging with wet hands or during inclement weather. Additionally, care should be taken to ensure that the metal parts of the connector do not come into contact with other metallic objects.
During charging, it is best to avoid driving or moving the vehicle. The charging connector should be securely connected, and it should not be forcibly disconnected while charging. Finally, it is safer to refrain from vehicle maintenance activities, such as washing or repairs, during charging.
3. Response Guidelines in Case of Electric Vehicle Fires
In the event of an electric vehicle fire,
swift initial response is crucial.
Let's explore the fire response methods of the management office. Firstly, it is important to promptly check for fire using CCTV.
Next, notify 119 and inform residents of the situation through announcements. To ensure a safe evacuation route, it is crucial to open the automatic doors and entrances of the building. Additionally, manually activating the sprinkler system in the area where the fire occurs is essential to prevent the fire from spreading.
When the fire service arrives, it is important to provide detailed information about the fire location and vehicle details. Through these procedures, safety can be secured.
If a fire occurs, you must immediately contact 119 and the management office. It is important to wait for evacuation announcements and move orderly through the evacuation stairs.
Particularly, priority should be given to the elderly, children, and disabled persons during evacuation. It is safer not to open the vehicle doors even if smoke emanates from the vehicle. After moving to a safe evacuation location, follow the instructions of the firefighting personnel.
4. Safety Management Standards for Charging Areas to Prevent Electric Vehicle Fires
Charging areas for electric vehicles must be installed in safe locations with low fire risk.
(1) Points to consider when installing above-ground charging areas
The charging area should be located more than 10 meters away from the building. Additionally, it must maintain a distance of more than 20 meters from children's playgrounds and waste disposal sites. Lastly, selecting a location that allows easy access for fire services is crucial.
There are points to consider when installing underground charging areas. Firstly, it is advisable for the charging area to be located in an open space connected to the ground. Furthermore, it is best not to install them below the third basement level. Finally, they should be at least 10 meters away from electrical rooms, mechanical rooms, and generator rooms.
5. Installation Standards for Fire and Safety Facilities in Electric Vehicle Charging Areas
Necessary safety devices must be installed at electric vehicle charging stations in multi-family housing. These facilities play a crucial role in ensuring safe electric vehicle charging.
Fire extinguishers, indoor fire hydrants, and smothering fire blankets should be placed within 5–10 meters of the charging area.
Furthermore, fire detectors should be installed on the ceiling of the charging area to ensure prompt detection of any fire.
CCTV with thermal imaging capabilities is essential for monitoring the charging area.
Sprinkler systems and upward water spraying devices should be installed to prevent the spread of fire during charging, and evacuation guidance signs and lines should be provided to assist safe evacuation.
6. Conclusion
When a fire occurs in an electric vehicle within a multi-family housing unit, it can lead to significant casualties and property damage. Therefore, prevention and quick response are of utmost importance.
Residents and the management office must strictly adhere to safety guidelines when charging electric vehicles, and in the event of a fire, they should minimize damage through immediate evacuation and appropriate responses.
To prevent electric vehicle fires, it is necessary for both the managers of the multi-family housing and the residents to be attentive and cautious.
#ElectricVehicleFire, #ElectricVehicleChargingSafety, #MultiFamilyHousingFire, #ElectricVehicleChargingStation, #EVChargingArea, #ElectricVehicleFirePrevention, #ElectricVehicleCharger, #ElectricVehicleManagement, #ApartmentElectricVehicles, #ElectricVehicleCharging, #EVFire, #ElectricVehicleEvacuationGuidelines, #ElectricVehicleFirefighting, #ElectricVehicleFireResponse, #EVBatterySafety, #ApartmentManagementOffice, #ElectricVehicleSupply, #ChargingAreaSafety, #ElectricVehicleBattery, #ElectricVehicleFirefighting, #EVChargingSafety, #ElectricVehicleChargingArea, #MultiFamilyHousingManagement, #ElectricVehiclePreventionMeasures, #EVFireResponse, #ElectricVehicleChargingStationSafety, #ElectricVehicleFirefightingResponse, #ApartmentFireResponse, #MultiFamilyHousingSafety, #EVFirePrevention