Gwangdeok Tunnel Construction Project and Preliminary Feasibility Study for Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Passes: News from the Ministry of Economy and Finance's Second Financial Project Evaluation Committee.


Gwangdeok Tunnel Construction Project, Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project Pass Preliminary and Reassessments!

Gwangdeok Tunnel Construction Project

The government has conducted an economic reevaluation of the Gwangdeok Tunnel (Pocheon City to Hwacheon County) and the Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project. As a result, both projects have confirmed positive feasibility and can now be pushed forward.

These projects are significant for traffic improvement and the expansion of industrial infrastructure, having successfully passed preliminary feasibility studies and feasibility reassessments. They are expected to greatly contribute to regional development.

Ministry of Economy and Finance Holds 2nd Financial Project Evaluation Committee


On March 13, 2025, the Ministry of Economy and Finance held the 2nd Financial Project Evaluation Committee chaired by Vice Minister Kim Yoon-sang. At this meeting, the results of the preliminary feasibility study and feasibility reassessment were discussed.

The meeting confirmed that the Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project has passed the preliminary feasibility study, and the Gwangdeok Tunnel road construction project has also achieved passing the feasibility reassessment. These decisions are expected to positively influence the future promotion of these projects.

Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project Passes Preliminary Feasibility Study

In the industrial complexes of Gwangyang, Yeosu, and Suncheon in Jeollanam-do, the demand for industrial water continues to rise. To address this, the Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project is being launched to ensure that the companies residing in the industrial complexes can operate their production facilities smoothly. It is expected that the project will accelerate after recently passing the preliminary feasibility study.

Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project

The project overview and location pertain to Yeosu City, Gwangyang City, and Suncheon City in Jeollanam-do.

This project has a pipeline length of 46.2 km, with one intake facility, and will supply 106,000 m³ of water per day.

The total project cost is 212.8 billion won and is being overseen by the Ministry of Environment.

A view of the Yeosu Industrial Complex in Jeollanam-do

✔ Background of Project Promotion

The Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project is being carried out in phases to provide stable industrial water supply to the industrial complexes.

It began with phase one supplying 325,000 m³/day in 1978, and was expanded to 540,000 m³/day in 1998. In 2003, a third phase was added, supplying an additional 215,000 m³/day.

This fourth phase project will supply an additional 106,000 m³/day. This is expected to make industrial activities in the industrial complexes more efficient and have a positive effect on attracting businesses and revitalizing the local economy.

Gwangdeok Tunnel Construction Project Passes Feasibility Reassessment

The section connecting Dopeyong-ri in Pocheon City, Gyeonggi Province, and Gwangdeok-ri in Hwacheon County, Gangwon Province is known for its poor road conditions, increasing the likelihood of traffic accidents. To address this issue, the government is promoting the construction of a 4 km long Gwangdeok Tunnel in order to reduce the risk of traffic accidents and improve convenience of movement between the two areas.

Gwangdeok Tunnel Construction Project

The project overview is as follows.

This project pertains to the section from Dopeyong-ri in Pocheon City to Gwangdeok-ri in Hwacheon County.

The total length is 4.7 km, of which 4 km will be a tunnel.

Additionally, there will be a newly constructed 4-lane roadway.

The total project cost is 132.5 billion won, with the Ministry of Interior and Safety designated as the main ministry.

Hwacheon Gwangdeok Pass

Background of Project Promotion

The current Gwangdeok Pass has poor road conditions, making it difficult for drivers to secure visibility and increasing the risk of accidents. Additionally, during winter, heavy snowfall causes obstacles to vehicle traffic.

Once the Gwangdeok Tunnel opens, it will provide a safe road environment and reduce travel times. It is expected to allow local residents and tourists to use it more conveniently.

Future Promotion Schedule

Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project

With the Gwangdeok Tunnel and Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project securing feasibility, the relevant ministry will swiftly proceed with related procedures.

In particular, the Gwangyang Industrial Water Supply Project is expected to play a crucial role in solving the industrial water shortage issue as the Ministry of Environment continues with subsequent administrative procedures. Consequently, the local economy is expected to become more active.

Gwangdeok Tunnel Construction Project

The Gwangdeok Tunnel construction project, prepared by the Ministry of Interior and Safety, is recognized as a traffic improvement project that enhances the convenience of movement between Gyeonggi and Gangwon provinces.

With the decision of the Financial Project Evaluation Committee, this project will serve as a significant stepping stone for the development of the nation's key industries and transportation infrastructure. Moving forward, there is a need for the project to be carried out swiftly and efficiently.

#GwangdeokTunnel, #GwangyangIndustrialWaterSupply, #PreliminaryFeasibilityPass, #FeasibilityReassessment, #MinistryOfEconomyAndFinance, #FinancialProjectEvaluationCommittee, #NationalKeyIndustries, #TrafficInfrastructure, #IndustrialComplex, #IndustrialWater, #MinistryOfEnvironment, #MinistryOfInteriorAndSafety, #PocheonCity, #HwacheonCounty, #YeosuCity, #GwangyangCity, #SuncheonCity, #NationalFinancialProjects, #RegionalEconomicDevelopment, #PublicInfrastructure, #TrafficSafety, #NationalTransportationNetwork, #IndustrialComplexSupport, #NationalBudget, #NationalProject, #RoadConstruction, #TunnelProject, #IndustrialWaterSupply, #RegionalBalancedDevelopment

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