News about the decision on urban management plans and the announcement of topographic maps for Soumak Village, Wuam-dong.


Somak Village in Uam-dong, Decision on Urban Management Plan (District Unit Plan Area of Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project) and Announcement of Topographic Map

- Area of 189-1104, Uam-dong, Nam-gu

Somak Village in Uam-dong, Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project

The Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project in Uam-dong, Nam-gu, Busan has been completed. As a result, the maintenance area has been released and changed to a district unit plan area.

This decision was made to manage the area systematically after maintenance and to improve the living environment of residents.

Somak Village in Uam-dong, Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project

The Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project is being conducted in the area of 189-1104 Uam-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, covering a total area of 20,593.9㎡. The main goal of this project is to enhance the living environment of residents through housing improvements, commercial facility maintenance, road and sewage network upgrades, and the creation of parks and green spaces.

In particular, the maintenance of roads and sewage networks focuses on improving the local infrastructure, while the establishment of green spaces contributes to creating a more pleasant residential environment. The core objective of this project is to enable residents to enjoy a better quality of life.

Announcement of the Changed Business Execution Plan for Uam-dong Somak Village, Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project - Area of 189-1104, Uam-dong, Nam-gu

Somak Village in Uam-dong, Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project

In June 2023, the Somaksa temple within Somak Village was restored to its original form, and the construction of the complex community center was completed. Somak Village is a unique living cultural heritage formed during the industrialization process of Busan, and it is being thoroughly managed along with the complex community center to preserve the historical value of the area.

Due to such heritage protection measures, the potential for redevelopment in the area is expected to significantly decrease in the future. Generally, in areas where registered cultural heritage exists, demolition or reconstruction is restricted, and preservation is prioritized. Therefore, the conversion of this area to a district unit plan is likely to result in preservation-centered development utilizing the existing urban infrastructure rather than a simple release of the maintenance area.

Such changes are expected to provide valuable opportunities for local residents and visitors to preserve cultural heritage while also contributing to strengthening the local identity. It is hoped that efforts to preserve the history and culture of this area will continue in the future.

Somak Village in Uam-dong, Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project

With the completion of the Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project, the maintenance area has been released. This area will henceforth be managed according to the 'District Unit Plan'.

The district unit plan aims for more systematic urban management while maintaining the characteristics and culture of the area, instead of large-scale redevelopment. In particular, Somak Village in Uam-dong possesses high cultural heritage value, thus urban planning is expected to be carried out with a focus on preservation.

As a result, this area is likely to progressively improve the living environment while maintaining the existing urban structure. This offers a great possibility of providing residents with a better quality of life.

Public Notice No. 2025-32 of Nam-gu, Busan Metropolitan City

Announcement of Decision on Urban Management Plan (District Unit Plan Area of Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project) and Topographic Map

1. The maintenance plan was established and the maintenance area was designated through Announcement No. 2016-305 of Busan Metropolitan City (September 21, 2016), changed through Announcements No. 2018-145 (May 2, 2018) and No. 2022-86 (March 16, 2022), and the business execution plan was announced through Announcement No. 2017-102 of Busan Metropolitan City Nam-gu (November 15, 2017), along with subsequent changes announced through Nos. 2018-4 (January 24, 2018), 2018-75 (August 1, 2018), 2021-36 (April 7, 2021), 2022-42 (April 27, 2022), and 2024-610 (April 19, 2024). Following the announcement of project completion with Announcement No. 2025-26 of Busan Metropolitan City Nam-gu (March 5, 2025),

2. In accordance with Article 84 of the Urban and Residential Environment Maintenance Act, the maintenance area is released, and to manage it as a district unit plan in accordance with the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, the district unit plan area is determined as follows according to Article 50 of the same law and Article 25 of the enforcement decree of the same law, and the topographic map is announced according to Article 8(2) of the Basic Act on Land Use Regulation.

3. Relevant documents (the topographic map can be viewed at the land management site "") will be kept at the Nam-gu office for public access by the general public and stakeholders.

March 19, 2025
Mayor of Nam-gu, Busan Metropolitan City

I. Release of Maintenance Area

1. Type and Name of Maintenance Project
a. Type: Residential Environment Management Project
b. Name: Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project

2. Location and Area of the Maintenance Project Execution Area
a. Location: Area of 189-1104, Uam-dong, Nam-gu, Busan Metropolitan City
b. Area of the Maintenance Area: 20,593.9㎡

3. Name and Address of the Project Executor
a. Name: Nam-gu Office, Busan Metropolitan City
b. Address: 19 Motgol-ro, Nam-gu, Busan Metropolitan City (Daeyeon-dong)

4. Minutes of the Release of the Maintenance Area

ClassificationMaintenance Area NameLocationArea (㎡)Remarks
ReleaseUam 1 Residential Environment Management Maintenance AreaArea of 189-1104, Uam-dong, Nam-gu, Busan Metropolitan City20,593.9Initial Decision Announcement No. 2016-305 (September 21, 2016)

※ In accordance with Article 84 of the Urban and Residential Environment Maintenance Act, the designation of the maintenance area where construction has been completed is released, and it is managed as a district unit plan in accordance with the National Land Planning and Utilization Act.

II. Decisions Regarding District Unit Plan Area and District Unit Plan

1. Decision of District Unit Plan Area
a. Minutes of the decision on the district unit plan area

ClassificationArea NameLocationArea (㎡)
EstablishedUam 1 Residential Environment Management Maintenance AreaArea of 189-1104, Uam-dong, Nam-gu20,593.9
ChangedUam 1 Residential Environment Management District Unit Plan AreaArea of 189-1104, Uam-dong, Nam-gu20,593.9

b. Reason for the decision on the district unit plan area

ClassificationArea NameLocationArea (㎡)Remarks
EstablishedUam 1 Residential Environment Management District Unit Plan AreaArea of 189-1104, Uam-dong, Nam-gu20,593.9To manage the area systematically and plannedly due to the completion of the maintenance project.

2. Minutes of the decision regarding the district unit plan
a. Plan regarding the change of land use area

ClassificationArea (㎡)EstablishedAfter ChangeComposition Ratio (%)
Residential Area14,911General Residential Area of Type 214,91172.4
Area5,682.9General Residential Area of Type 35,682.927.6

Institution Classification
Gu and District
Announcement Number
No. 2025-32
Announcement of Decision on Urban Management Plan (District Unit Plan Area of Uam 1 Residential Environment Management Project) and Topographic Map

#BusanRedevelopment, #BusanReconstruction, #Uam1ResidentialEnvironmentManagementProject, #BusanMaintenanceProject, #BusanDistrictUnitPlan, #BusanImprovementOfLivingEnvironment, #BusanCulturalHeritage, #SomakVillageInUamDong, #BusanCulturalHeritage, #BusanUrbanPlanning, #RedevelopmentOfUamDong, #BusanRealEstate, #BusanUrbanMaintenance, #RedevelopmentOfNamGu, #ReleaseOfBusanMaintenanceArea, #BusanRealEstateMarket, #BusanPublicProjects, #UamDongLivingEnvironment, #BusanGreenSpaceCreation, #BusanUrbanEnvironment, #BusanHousingImprovement, #BusanPublicFacilities, #BusanNamGuResidentialEnvironment, #BusanNamGuRealEstate, #BusanUrbanDevelopment, #BusanUrbanRegeneration, #UamDongHousingMaintenance, #BusanLivingInfrastructure, #BusanInfrastructureImprovement, #BusanParkCreation

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