Eco Delta City Station Construction Confirmed, Groundbreaking in 2026, Opening in 2028
The Eco Delta City Station project, which is set to be located at 3944-26, Gangdong-dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan, has completed its feasibility review and has commenced preparations for the main construction order.
Recently, with final approval from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the project can now proceed in earnest. The remaining task is whether the partial opening of the Bujeon-Masan Line can occur within 2025.
This project aims to meet the increased railway traffic demand due to the development of Eco Delta City and surrounding areas. Thanks to the strong persuasion and persistent efforts of Congressman Kim Do-eup, this project has been finalized.
Congressman Kim stated, "The establishment of Eco Delta City Station that residents have long awaited has finally been approved," expressing his joy. He also emphasized, "I will continue to pay attention and work to ensure this project proceeds smoothly."
Overview of the Eco Delta City Station Project
The project location is at 3944-26, Gangdong-dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan, situated between Gangseo Geumho Station and Pukyung Racing Park Station. The project involves establishing Eco Delta City Station, with a timeline from April 2025 to the second half of 2028. The total project cost is estimated at 69.5 billion won.
This project will be promoted in conjunction with the Bujeon-Masan double-tracked railway project, particularly considering the connections with the Busan New Port Line for thorough viability assessment. The previous feasibility assessment indicated a benefit-cost ratio (B/C) of 1.85, demonstrating high economic viability, while the re-investigation showed a B/C of 1.09 for the basic plan, increasing to 1.54 when connected with the Busan New Port Line.
These results are expected to further solidify the necessity and effectiveness of the project.
Progress and Future Plans of the Project
The discussions between the implementers of the Bujeon-Masan double-tracked railway and Eco Delta City took place in March 2014. In May 2016, the feasibility evaluation report was submitted, indicating a B/C of 1.85 and an RC of 1.51.
In June 2023, the feasibility re-investigation study began, completing the re-investigation in February 2024. At this time, the B/C was shown to be 1.09, and it was analyzed that it would increase to 1.54 when connected with the Busan New Port Line.
In July 2024, Congressman Kim Do-eup urged rapid advancement to the National Railway Corporation, and the decision to apply a fast track was made. Following this, the validation study of the feasibility re-investigation was completed in January 2025, and on March 7, the final approval from the Ministry of Land was received.
From April 2025, the implementation design and licensing processes will begin, and construction is expected to commence in November 2026. Ultimately, construction is planned to be completed and opened in the second half of 2028.
If the establishment of Eco Delta City Station proceeds as scheduled, it is expected to significantly improve public transportation accessibility for Gangseo-gu residents. In particular, Eco Delta Station on the Bujeon-Masan Line is expected to open before the lower-Noksan line in the Myeongji area.
The Dieter Grand Luce apartment complex, the closest to Eco Delta City Station, will benefit from the station area of the Bujeon-Masan Line. These changes will provide residents with a more convenient transportation environment.
The station location has shifted eastward compared to the original plan, which corresponds to the Eco Delta City reserve land.
In May 2023, the city of Busan signed an MOU to establish a complex cultural tourism complex that includes a large concert hall (arena) with the global concert planning company Live Nation in this area. However, it remains unconfirmed whether this project is still valid.
By enhancing connectivity between Gadeokdo New Airport and Busan New Port, it is expected to play a significant role in future logistics and transportation hub.
#EcoDeltaCity, #EcoDeltaCityStation, #GangseoDevelopment, #BusanRailway, #BujeonMasanLine, #DieterGrandLuce, #StationArea, #BusanNewPortLine, #GadeokdoNewAirport, #BusanTransportation, #MinistryOfLandInfrastructureAndTransport, #NationalRailwayCorporation, #KimDoeup, #GangdongDong, #NewBusanStation, #RailwayInfrastructure, #BusanUrbanPlanning, #BusanResidentialEnvironment, #BusanRealEstate, #BusanNewCity, #RailwayOpening, #BusanStationArea, #BusanDevelopment, #BusanRedevelopment, #BusanTransportNetwork, #EcoDeltaCityDevelopment, #GangseoGuRailway, #BusanGangseoGu, #BusanPublicTransportation, #BusanFutureCity, #BusanRealEstateInvestment, #BusanTransportationInfrastructure